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Project Information

About this project:

This is the IBISA project ("ibisa")

IBISA stands for "Image-Based Identification/Search for Archaeology". It is free software aiming to manage collections of photos of archaeological objects and find similarities between these objects by means of a simple graphical user interface and specific algorithms. The software is a testbed for experimenting such algorithms. It is related to a research project initiated by Sylvain Marchand from LaBRI, university of Bordeaux 1, France. Here is the Web page of the project (in French): http://dept-info.labri.fr/~sm/Projets/IBISA/

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About Open Source:

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The exact license terms used by this project on their project summary page and in the licensing documents included in their downloads.


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Get the source code:

Source code for this project may be available as downloads or through the CVS or Subversion SCM repository used by the project, as accessible from the project summary page.

If you are a web page developer interested in this project, please consider reaching out to the project admin (per the "Join this project" section, above) to offer your assistance.

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